
Online gambling is trendy. The number of players and turnover in the sector continue to rise exponentially. At the same time, the rules for providers of (online) gambling and betting are tightening. The Belgian licensing system is already one of the strictest in Europe and foreign providers that do not have a valid Belgian license are systematically taken offline by the Gambling Commission. On top of that, there are more and more rules to protect players and stricter rules for advertising and promotion of games of chance.

At Sirius Legal we are familiar with the complex legal world of gambling and have experience of more than 10 years. The Sirius Legal Gambling team has built significant experience in the legal aspects of gambling, gaming, betting, lotteries, poker, both in the real world, on the internet and more recently on mobile apps. Due to the rapid development of online gambling worldwide and especially in Belgium, we can provide you with up-to-date and accurate advice on all legal issues that may arise in the field of gambling and betting.

Our lawyers assist both major domestic and foreign operators, as well as software developers in the gambling industry or affiliate partners. We also have extensive expertise in (online) advertising law and data protection. We regularly advise on advertising campaigns and handling of personal data within the online gambling industry. 
We often work for individual players who are in conflict with online casinos or betting agencies. Unfortunately, we frequently hear and see stories of players who are not paid their winnings or where the online casino does not comply with the playing limits and allows players to bet (and lose) much larger amounts than permitted by law. We like to fight for players and defend consumer rights.

Questions about gaming? Book a introductory meeting.

We also regularly assist professional poker players, media companies, arcade operators and software providers with advice, contract negotiations with sponsors or discussions with the government.

At Sirius Legal we have extensive expertise in gambling law and have even been asked – for six years in a row-  to contribute the chapter on Belgian law for the International Comparative Legal Guide to Gambling, a comparative overview of gambling legislation around the world.

More about consumer and market practices


Have you become a victim of cybercrime? Do not lay low, work with us to find evidence and clues and let us verify whether it is feasible to file a criminal complaint.

Defamation and slander

Slander campaigns and false reviews can greatly damage your online reputation. Do not let them walk over you, rely on us to take strong action.

Unfair market practices

Is your competitor not playing by the rules? Are you losing business due to your competitor’s unfair practices? Do not give up, check with us how you can react quickly, forcefully and legally.

Travel law

Are you a tour operator, accommodation rental company or airline? We will answer all your questions. You can also contact us as a consumer.