
Digital entrepreneurship

Launching a webshop, a data leak due to carelessness ,or victim of a cyber attack? Integrating blockchain in your activities, in need of a software agreement?

Digital start-ups Web, app & software development Cyber security E-commerce AI and blockchain

Privacy and data protection

From GDPR to cross border data exchange, to understanding cookie law. How to stay out of the crosshairs of the Data Protection Authority?


Cookies e-Privacy International datatransfers GDPR compliance

Contracts and companies

Points of attention during collaborations? How do you deal with licences or unpaid invoices? Managing liability and legal risks? What contract clauses are absolutely essential?

Contracts and commercial relationships Companies Disputes and procedure Distribution and licences International cooperations

Media and advertising

What rules should you keep in mind for advertising campaigns? Which agreements should you put in when dealing with agencies?

Publishing Agency/advertiser relationship Communication and campaign advice Audiovisual production

Intellectual property

Copyright and how to protect your brand? How do you safeguard your trade secrets and what can you do about counterfeiting?

Tax optimisation IP contracts Combat counterfeiting Protect your IP

Consumer/market practices

Your trip gets a false start due to a delayed flight. A competitor uses comparative advertising or you discover fake reviews, … We can help! 

Cybercrime Unfair market practices Defamation and slander Gambling Travel law