GDPR compliance

GDPR compliance is an absolute must for your business. Handling the data of your customers, prospects and partners safely and consciously should be self-evident in every company.  Since GDPR came into effect, there are clear limits to what you can/may do with someone’s personal data. If your company is not keeping up with GDPR legislation, it may result in a competitive disadvantage. Nowadays, consumers are better informed and claim their privacy rights: an ethical awareness when handling data is of great importance in all departments of your company. GDPR compliance has also become crucial in B2B relationships: it is an important asset to demonstrate your professionalism versus competitors.

What is GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation, a European legislation that regulates the protection of personal data. The purpose of GDPR is to give individuals more control over their personal data and to require companies to handle it carefully. GDPR legislation applies worldwide to companies that process personal data of European citizens, regardless of their location.


Some common problems or challenges related to being GDPR compliant are:

  • Data breaches: Organizations must take security measures to prevent data breaches. If a leak occurs, it must be reported quickly to the local data protection authority and your company must also take appropriate measures.  
  • The correct legal basis: Determining the correct legal basis for processing personal data can be complicated. People often jump too quickly to the legal basis “consent,” but there are 5 other legal bases that can apply. 
  • Rights of individuals or data subjects: GDPR grants individuals rights such as the right to access, rectify and delete their data. Compliance with these rights can be challenging, especially with large amounts of data.
  • Data transfers outside the EU: Transferring personal data outside the EU requires specific safeguards to ensure data protection.
  • Compliance and fines: Meeting the complex GDPR requirements can be challenging for organizations. Non-compliance can lead to significant fines, which can amount up to 4% of a company’s annual global turnover.

Our expertise in GDPR compliance

Data protection has been at the heart of our business at Sirius Legal long before GDPR. We provide GDPR compliance services to companies, from small self-employed individuals to multinationals from all kinds of sectors, for many years. In the process, we advise marketing and HR departments, helping them bring digitization projects to implementation. We scan the impact on data processing, evaluate the choice of secured tools and partners, help them with data breaches, cookie scans or assist them as Data Protection Officer.


Sirius Legal is active as a legal partner in various professional federations such as UBA and FeWeb, where we always put data protection, cookie compliance and ethical marketing on the agenda. We do this not only through legal advice, but also through publications such as our “Cookie Book”, numerous webinars and training courses or lobbying at the Data Protection Authority and the federal government for which our partners request our help and knowledge.

GDPR services offered by Sirius Legal

Our services in GDPR compliance cover every conceivable GDPR issue you may face as an entrepreneur. Do you still have to start GDPR compliance? Are you looking for a DPO? Do you have a specific question around GDPR compliance? Are you not sure whether you can safely use a tool or software? Do you need an update of your privacy policy? We can assist you with any question you may have!

We provide GDPR compliance processes to companies year after year: from small self-employed individuals to multinationals from all kinds of sectors. In doing so, we advise marketing and HR departments, helping them bring digitalization projects to implementation. We scan the impact on data processing, evaluate the choice of secured tools and partners, help them with data audits, cookie scans or assist them as a Data Protection Officer.

You will not receive lengthy, expensive and theoretical advice from us that will discourage you. We believe that handling personal data correctly is mainly a matter of common sense and we adopt a no-nonsense approach. With us, you immediately know what can or cannot be done, and you can move forward in your operations and projects.

GDPR is not an isolated piece of legislation! 

Dealing with personal data is more than just complying with the GDPR. It is often a complex interplay between GDPR, anti-spam (or “ePrivacy”) rules, cookie regulations, camera legislation, the rules around the do-not-call-me list and numerous sector-specific legislations. We maintain an overview of this maze of rules and put the pieces of the puzzle together for you. This way your company can operate safely and correctly, deliver strong products or services, grow and be successful.

Questions about GDPR compliance? We are be happy to help! 

Do you want to be sure that your company is on the right track in terms of GDPR? Contact our team today! We are ready to help you and discuss how you can strengthen your GDPR compliance. 

Schedule an appointment now!

More about Privacy and Data Protection

International datatransfers

Data export is any exchange of data with a partner outside the EU. GDPR allows data export outside the EU only if the recipient guarantees an appropriate level of protection.


Properly handling personal data is more than complying with the GDPR legislation. There is also specific legislation such as the cookie law, the do-not-call-me register, the Robinson list, etc.


Data capture on your website with which you are legally fully compliant. Not because you have to, but also out of respect for your customers’ privacy, right?

Questions about GDPR? Contact us and we will help you as soon as possible.