
11.10.2022 Bart Van den Brande

The emperor’s new clothes: US Executive Order to restore data transfers between the EU and US

Anyone who remembers the fairy tale of the emperor will probably remember that the emperor walked naked… Well, the new US ...

09.04.2022 Bart Van den Brande

Stricter warranty obligations for webshops as of 1 June 2022!

The world is changing continuously and regulations have to follow. If your webshop targets consumers, you will have to be ...

31.03.2022 Bart Van den Brande

“Agreement” on a new Privacy Shield: Schrems III in the making?

To everyone’s surprise, last week’s EU-US summit and Joe Biden’s visit to Brussels ended with the announcement ...

Popular article
02.02.2022 Bart Van den Brande

Google Fonts on your website? Do not share IP addresses with Google because of GDPR

We have to admit that we ourselves were a bit surprised when we read a recent German judgment.  It taught us an unexpected ...

25.01.2022 Bart Van den Brande

Good news if you want to apply for a trademark: the EU provides a discount up to 75%

Interesting news for entrepreneurs who want to protect their trademark: In 2022, the European Union will provide vouchers or ...

20.01.2022 An Haenen

The importance of understanding the difference between anonymization and pseudonymisation

At Sirius Legal we receive questions on a regular basis concerning the anonymisation of personal data. Often, the difference ...

Popular article Google_Analytics_GDPR
17.01.2022 Bart Van den Brande

And then we woke up one morning and someone had decided that using Google Analytics violates GDPR …

Surprised faces all around during morning our coffee here at Sirius Legal, while reading a recent decision by the Austrian data ...

10.01.2022 An Haenen

We take pride in our silver award for best customer rating scores 2021 (9,5/10)

The turn of the year is the time for many law firms to showcase the many awards they have won in the past year. Nowadays, every ...

Popular article
22.12.2021 An Haenen

Even more rules for Influencer Marketing: New Content Creator Protocol in Belgium

On the 14th of December, the Flemish Media Regulator (VRM) published a new Content Creator Protocol. This protocol contains ...

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