IP contracts

Good agreements (good contracts) make good friends. We are very cynical about this at Sirius Legal. After all, we see many collaborations go wrong and partners who until recently had blind faith in each other suddenly find themselves facing each other with knives drawn.

The same goes for your intellectual property, of course. Your creations as an entrepreneur or artist are worth gold, so you’d better protect them (contractually) as best you can…

IP protection is not only available for paintings, music or books. Do you invent program formats or scripts? Are you a designer in an advertising agency? Do you develop software code, websites or apps? If so, consider seeking the best possible protection for your IP. That includes your brand name, logo, photos, product descriptions or even your know-how. 

At Sirius Legal, we know the tricks of the trade. We have been working for artists and performers, production houses, TV stations and advertisers, software, web and app developers and lots of creative entrepreneurs in other sectors for more than 20 years.


  • Is your content protected or protectable?
  • What IP rights can you invoke?
  • How do you prevent commercial partners you work with from taking your idea?
  • How do you ensure that you receive an appropriate remuneration for your work and creation?
  • Is it best to transfer your IP or opt for a license or right of use?
  • How do you optimize the income you generate from exploiting your IP? 


We deal with these and countless other questions on a daily basis. We assist our clients with various matters related to copyright protection, software protection, database protection, designs and models protection, trademark protection as well as protection of know-how and trade secrets.

NDAs, licenses, publishing contracts, rights of use, transfers of IP, IP clauses in employment contracts, buy-outs of rights in the world of advertising, audiovisual productions, you name it. When it comes to good agreements around your IP rights, at Sirius Legal we are happy to assist you.

Do you have questions about IP contracts? Book an introductory meeting right away.

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More about intellectual property

Combat counterfeiting

A copycat has gotten hold of your product and is selling it online or on the black market at rock-bottom prices. Take action right away, but do get guidance from an expert!

Protect your IP

Which intellectual property rights can you invoke? We are happy to advise you on copyright, designs and models, trademarks, know-how and trade secrets as well as software and database protection.

Tax optimisation

No one likes to pay more taxes than necessary. Do you have a creative profession? With the copyrighted content you create, you may be subject to a significant tax benefit!

Do you have questions about intellectual property? Contact us, we are happy to help.